Interview s americkým konzulom Mattom (part 2)
- Interview
- Matúš Grega
- 30.1.2020
Ak ste ešte nečítali prvú časť rozhovoru s konzulom Matt-om, tak odporúčame (stačí kliknúť TU). V prvej časti interview sme sa p. konzula napríklad pýtali, prečo by mal študent zo Slovenska vycestovať do USA na Work and Travel? Do ktorej časti USA by vycestoval on? A mnohé iné ...
V tejto časti interview sa dozviete, prečo sa rozhodol stať konzulom, v ktorých krajinách pracoval predtým, ako prišiel na Slovensku, kde je jeho ďalšia zastávka, aké su jeho obľúbené miesta na Slovensku a mnohé iné.
Otázky a odpovede prinášame v pôvodnom znení v anglickom jazyku. Na otázky pán konzul odpovedal koncom roka 2019 a toto je druhá časť interview (prvú časť interview si môžete prečítať TU).
What is your most
and least favorite meal you tried in Slovakia?
I think I could eat a bucket of demikat
soup every day... I would die of a heart attack, but I would die
happy. I don’t think I have
ever had Slovak food that I ever thought was bad but man, you guys love
your bread and potatoes.
What is the most
favorite place you visited here?
Oh wow... that is hard to choose. I could tell you about the amazing hot
water springs out in the woods near Orava, that I love to visit. Or the famous wonderland castle of Bojnice
that always takes my breath away. Nothing quite beats strolling around Stare Mesto in Kosice and staring
up at the beauty of St. Alzbeta Cathedral.
Maybe I could say passing an afternoon in the cutest little village
ever in Čičmany, or soaking in the sun next to the lake in Dedinky. Really I can’t choose, I can only
think of the ones that I still need to get to. Dobšina Ice Cave is my white whale, everytime
I try to get there, it is closed.
But I’ll get there someday and if anyone has suggestions for good hiking
routes in Poloniny please pass them along.
What do you
miss the most in Slovakia from USA?
The best thing about America is that Americans are
from all over the globe. Being American
is an idea more than it is a heritage and all of the people from around
the world that have come together because they like the idea of America and all
the things it stands for are what makes America great. So in that vein, I miss the diversity of
America. Hearing languages from
everywhere in the world. Smelling
different foods when walking down the street. Seeing people wearing different
clothes from different places. It’s
a magical thing and there really aren’t too many places in the world where
you can get that experience.
Is there
anything you would like to have in USA, like we have in Slovakia?
It would be great to have your train system! I love traveling around by train, it is so convenient, but in America, we don’t have very good trains. I would also love to steal your recipe for Pagáče and start every day with a nice warm and flakey pagáč :D
U.S. Consular Officer job
Why did you
choose to become consul?
I knew from a young age that I wanted to work with people from different countries, religions, cultures, perspectives, so becoming a diplomat seemed like a great fit. I decided to become a Consular Officer because I looked at my other colleagues at the embassy and they have to spend most of their time speaking with government officials or other diplomats and they don’t get to meet real people. I wanted to meet everyday people and learn about what really people think and how they see the world. Consular lets me do that by talking to anyone that happens to walk up to my window. It´s the best!
In which country did you work as U.S. Consular Officer before Slovakia?
I worked in Beijing, China and this is my second stop. I’ll be headed back to the United States to
do a tour there for a few years before leaving America again for who
knows where.
How did you
like it here overall? Which country is your favorite and why?
Slovakia has been amazing!! The people, the nature, the history, the
travel! If you follow me on Instagram
you know, I love to get out and explore this country and for such
a small place there is something amazing to see everywhere you turn. Pair that with the fact that the people of
Slovakia have been so kind and generous to me, really what more could you ask
for? I will admit that the food in
China was a lot better though ;-) I guess
we know why there are Chinese restaurants all over the world.
What is
your next destination of your service? Are you able to choose your next country?
I am headed back to America for my next
tour. Every couple years we move to
a new place. When our time in one
place is running out, we look around at other embassies and government jobs and
see where there are openings and we apply for the ones we want. But just like any other job hunt, you have to
interview and prove that you are the person that that embassy wants to work
with. So you could apply to 20 jobs and
all of them pick someone else.
What is the
salary of US consuls around the world? Does it depends on country where do you
serve? Does embassy provide you housing or it is up to you to find some place?
The salary is enough for me to live comfortably. All diplomats get the same base pay throughout the world. However, if you take in assignment in a country that isn’t very developed, or that is more dangerous, you do get incentive pay. Slovakia is so nice though that we don’t get anything extra to be here. Even though the pay is less here, American diplomats still want to be here and each open position gets 30 or more diplomats applying to be here.
Ešte raz ďakujeme p. konzulovi za čas, ktorý si našiel na toto interview a prajeme mu veľa úspechov v jeho ďalšej diplomatickej kariére. Veríme, že po troch rokoch strávených na Slovensku bude na našu krajinu spomínať len v pozitívnom slova zmysle :-)